CInela COSI-S-19 Suspension
The Cinela Cosi Modular Windshield is a new lightweight fur windshield designed for use in light to moderate wind speeds. For strong winds, it is recommended using a full basket windshield solution, such as the Piano & Pianissimo.
- Three cage lengths: L (21cm), M (18cm) and S (15cm)
- Four microphone holders: for diameters: 19, 20, 21 & 22mm
- Two cable lengths: Long with two cable pins (for cages L & M) and Short with single pin (for cage S)
Microphone compatibility:
- MiniCMIT, Long cage, 21mm mike diameter, Long cable
- Schoeps CMC, Long cage, 20mm mike diameter, Long cable
- DPA4017C, Long cage, 19mm mike diameter, Long cable
- Sanken CS-M1, Medium cage, 19mm mike diameter, Long cable
- MKH8000, DPA4018C, Short cage, 19mm mike diameter, Short cable
Rumble Filtering:
- As any other suspension/windshield, COSI needs the use of a good rumble filter (Very low end handling noise). Typically 50/70 Hz with a +18dB/oct slope (3rd order filter).
- Many mixers/recorders only offers +12dB/oct filters (2nd order). Then it may be a little compromise.
- Avoid microphones with +6dB/oct filters (1st order).
- Many microphones are very rich in the Low End (MKH8000 or DPA with C preamp). These ones need a high slope filter.
- Schoeps MiniCMIT offers a very convenient in-built +24dB/oct filter (4th order) !
- Definitely the best against handling rumbles ! Absolutely no need for any other filter ! Best choice for “uncertain” inputs (cameras, DSLR).
Suitable for:
- Sennheiser MKH 8050
- DPA 4018C